Pacific Institute of Resource Management
advisory board

Volunteer to help PIRM and Pacific Ecologist

Volunteers are always welcome – we particularly need help in Wellington for mailouts of Pacific Ecologist and expert help to increase distribution of the magazine within New Zealand and overseas. But everyone can help – tell a friend about Pacific Ecologist and the work PIRM does; buy a friend or family member a subscription for Christmas or as a birthday present. The printing costs for one issue of Pacific Ecologist are high – we must increase subscriptions to survive.

Other areas where assistance is very welcome is in sourcing graphics and writers for Pacific Ecologist, help in organising public meetings, research, campaigning and advertising events.

If you can help with any administration or promotional work please contact us at the PIRM office.

Writers wanted

Please contact Kay Weir, editor of Pacific Ecologist, if you want to write an article for the journal.

The topics outlined below are issues to be tackled in future editions:

Water IssuesRoading / Motorway Issues
Climate ChangeBiodiversity
Genetic EngineeringAgriculture
Food SecurityGlobalisation
EconomicsDevelopment Issues
Nuclear Weapons and ConflictIndigenous Peoples’ Concerns
Pacific Islands IssuesAustralian Concerns
Justice / Equity Issues‘Free’ Trade
Human RightsPoverty
Philosophy / Religion

Australian, Pacific Island and Aotearoa/New Zealand writers very welcome; writers everywhere encouraged!

Pacific Ecologist

Wellington Community Network Wellington City Council